Training Programs Programming Full Stack Software Developer

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Full Stack Software Developer

Learn all major elements of modern full-stack development. This 100% online course feature several hands-on projects that will teach you how to design and build a fully functioning website.

$5,595.00 (USD)

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  1. Things Every Developer Should Know
    1. Zip Files
    2. Showing Extensions in File Listings
    3. Taking Screenshots
    4. Using a Command Line Shell
    5. Relative and Absolute Paths
    6. Environment Variables
    7. Browsers
    8. Visual Studio Code
    9. Using Stack Overflow
    10. Asking Good Questions in Your Course
    11. Exercise: Ask a Question
  2. Introduction to HTML
    1. A Quick Overview of Web Development
    2. Introduction to HTML
    3. Paragraphs, Headings, and Text
    4. HTML Links
    5. HTML Images
    6. HTML Lists
    7. HTML Tables
    8. Sectioning a Web Page
    9. Audio and Video
  3. Introduction to CSS
    1. Crash Course in CSS
    2. CSS Fonts
    3. Color and Opacity
    4. CSS Text
    5. Borders, Margins, and Padding
    6. Backgrounds
    7. Display and Visibility
    8. Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements
    9. Styling Tables with CSS
    10. Positioning
    11. Transforms and Transitions
    12. Layouts
    13. CSS Lists as Hierarchical Navigation
    14. Media Queries
  4. Introduction to JavaScript
    1. JavaScript Basics
    2. Variables, Arrays, and Operators
    3. JavaScript Functions
    4. Built-in JavaScript Objects
    5. Conditionals and Loops
    6. Event Handlers and Listeners
    7. The HTML Document Object Model
    8. CSS Object Model
    9. Errors and Exceptions
  5. Advanced JavaScript Concepts
    1. Node.js
    2. Scope, var, let, and const
    3. Arrow Functions
    4. Rest Parameters
    5. Spread Operator
    6. Array Destructuring
    7. Template Literals
    8. Objects, Context, and the this Object
    9. Array map() Method
    10. Array filter() Method
    11. Array find() Method
    12. JavaScript Modules
    13. npm
    14. Customize hands-on JavaScript project
  6. Creating, Styling, and Validating Web Forms
    1. HTML Forms
    2. JavaScript Form Validation
    3. Styling Forms with CSS
    4. Regular Expressions
    5. Node.js and Server-side Form Validation
    6. JSON
    7. Project
  7. Vue.js
    1. Getting Started with Vue.js
    2. Basic Vue Features
    3. Directives
    4. Implementing Game Logic
    5. Transitions and Animations
    6. Vue Routing
  8. Bootstrap Training
    1. Getting Started with Bootstrap Basics
    2. Bootstrap Layout
    3. Creating Responsive Navigation
    4. Bootstrap Typography
    5. Tables
    6. Bootstrap Forms
    7. Images
    8. Bootstrap Components
    9. Bootstrap Utilities
    10. Bootstrap Flex
    11. Project
  9. PostgreSQL
    1. Relational Database Basics
    2. Simple SELECTs
    3. Advanced SELECTs
    4. Subqueries, Joins and Unions
    5. Conditional Processing with CASE
    6. Inserting, Updating and Deleting Records
    7. Creating Tables
  10. Introduction to Python
    1. Python Basics
    2. Functions and Modules
    3. Math
    4. Python Strings
    5. Iterables: Sequences, Dictionaries, and Sets
    6. Virtual Environments, Packages, and pip
    7. Flow Control
    8. Exception Handling
    9. Python Dates and Times
    10. File Processing
    11. PEP8 and Pylint
  11. Advanced Python
    1. Advanced Python Concepts
    2. Regular Expressions
    3. Working with Data
    4. Testing and Debugging
    5. Classes and Objects
    6. Project
  12. Django Training for Python Developers
    1. Getting Started with Django
    2. Git, GitHub, and an App with a Model
    3. Template Filters and Tags
    4. Static Files
    5. Django Admin and the User Model
    6. URLs and Slugs
    7. Sending Email with SendGrid
    8. Forms and Widgets
    9. ModelForms
    10. User Registration
    11. Messages Framework
    12. Media Files
    13. Making Queries, Ajax, and View Functions
    14. Pagination and Ordering
    15. Advanced Querying and Search
    16. Deploying your Website to Production
    17. Customizing Django Admin
    18. Additional Topics
  13. Introduction to WordPress Training
    1. Getting Started and Setup Options
    2. WordPress Dashboard
    3. Posts
    4. Comments and Feedback
    5. Appearance
    6. Pages
    7. Reader Page
  14. Project



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You've got questions.
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Our highly knowledgeable Enrollment Specialists will answer any questions you might have about the course and payment options.

Cal State San Bernardino’s College of Extended and Global Education
College of Extended and Global Education
5500 University Parkway
College of Extended and Global Education
San Bernardino, CA 92407 US

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