Training Programs Operations Lean Training (Exam Cost Included)

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Lean Training (Exam Cost Included)

This in-depth online course will teach you how to utilize the principles of Lean process improvement as you prepare to test for Lean Certification.

$795.00 (USD)

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For many businesses, the shift to Lean Culture comes from simultaneously defining customer value, aligning around a common purpose, striving for perfection, and respecting and developing employees. Lean Culture results when in the quest to provide customer value, leadership supports and promotes the building of a "problem solving muscle" within the workforce.

The Lean Training and Certification course is a simplified, interactive way to quickly and effectively study process improvement and learn organizational shifts from veteran Lean practitioners. You will gain new management skills and learn how to establish your own process improvement. Upon completion of this course, you will be adequately prepared to test for Lean Certification.





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We're here to help.

Our highly knowledgeable Enrollment Specialists will answer any questions you might have about the course and payment options.

Cal State San Bernardino’s College of Extended and Global Education
College of Extended and Global Education
5500 University Parkway
College of Extended and Global Education
San Bernardino, CA 92407 US

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